create Serial

Create a new serial communication channel on the pins.

serial.createSerial(pins.TX, pins.RX)

If your board doesn’t have a USB connection which provides a serial port, you can create a serial communication channel on its pins. Also, you might want another serial channel for exclusive use by your program for which you set your own bus identifier.

You choose a digital pin for transmitting and another digital pin to receive on.

This will create an instance of the Serial port object. This new instance is not set as the device instance for the board so you need to use the serial functions as methods of the object returned.


  • tx: the digital pin to transmit on for the new serial channel.
  • rx: the digital pin to receive from for the new serial channel.
  • id: the event bus identifier (optional).


  • a Serial instance that allows you to interact with the bus directly.


Create your own serial communication device on pins A0 and A1.

let mySerial = serial.createSerial(pins.A0, pins.A1)
mySerial.writeLine("My own serial connection")

See also

